The other day I went in to wake up the kids & it was so cute how Hannah & Chloe were sleeping together. The other pictures are of Isaac & Hannah getting the mail the other day in the rain. They have to bring there wagon to stand on, in order to reach the mail box.
Hello everyone, I’m sorry it's taken me so long to give you an update . There's been a lot going on the last few weeks. First off, John’s Aunt Rita died, after a year of fighting cancer, we had her funeral on Thursday Sep. 7th. Peter & Dorcas came back for the funeral & spent a week with us, we were able to do a lot of visiting. Sunday the 3rd we went to Jim & Annette’s house & ended up staying till 3:00 a.m.,(because the guys had started a game of Risk) we had alot of fun!! Then 2 weeks later on Sep. 17th Jim & Annette had the baby, William Grant, he is just adorable. On friday the 22nd I came down with a kidney infection (which was extremely painful). We had Rodney’s wedding to go to the next weekend, so I was a very discouraged I knew if I didn't get better I couldn't go anywhere. I started taking antibiotics on Sat. Sep 23rd, John took care of me that weekend. My mom came over during the week & took care of me & also the kids. On tuesday John’s mom took Isaac & Hannah home with her for two days. I was feeling much better by wednesday. On tuesday I went to the midwife & she said she didn’t want me driving that far, but that I was free to fly. So my wonderful father offered to take us all down with his buddy passes (the last ones he had for the year). I flew down on thursday with mom, dad, Isaac & Hannah. Dad had to fly back to bring John & Jessica, because he has to be with us when we travel on his buddy passes. We were all there for the rehearsal, Isaac & Hannah were just adorable, they were the ring bearer & flower girl. It was so nice to see everyone, and we had a wonderful time. The wedding was so elegant and just flowed beautifully. It's so awesome to see Rodney and Melanie so happy and blessed. The people in Ohio are so happy to have him there and he loves the church and Bro. and Sis. Moore. Everyone please keep me in your prayers, because I am still recovering, also keep Dorcas in your prayers, she has been having trouble with her kidneys, also. We are now back at home safe & sound. Thank you everyone for your prayers, they have helped me more then you’ll ever know.