March 29, 2006

Photos of tonight

Here are some pictures of us tonight & the kids having there regular cereal before bed.

March 25, 2006

Still not in!

Well we haven't moved yet. We are still waiting on the faucets. We called & they said that the order some how got over looked. So we'll move when we get them. This week John is going to be working on the counter top. So Pray for us!

Hannah & Saddie

We've been dog sitting for Jessica while they are in Florida. Hannah won't let Saddie out of her sight.

March 13, 2006

What a Blizzard!!

A Blizzard passed our way today, we received 13 in... Wisconsin just northeast of us got 23 in... Jessica barely got out for school today, but when she came back she barely made it in.

March 12, 2006

Dressed for church

Here we are after church. John & Josiah were sleeping.